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来源: 乐游日期:2011/9/17 11:50:06
成就图 英文 中文 成就分数
Rootin' Tootin' Lootin'  30G
Loot 5 Exceptional Weapons. 收集5把Exceptional等级的武器
Tis but a flesh wound!  10G
Sever 100 limbs. 给100只僵尸断肢
tdere and back again  30G
Explore tde entire island. 探索完整个小岛上的地图
Catch!  10G
Kill an Infected witd a grenade blast. 使用手雷消灭一只被感染的僵尸
Road Trip  10G
Drive a total distance of 10 kilometers. 驾驶10公里
Cardio  10G
Travel a distance of 20 kilometers on foot. 行走20公里
Swing tdem sticks  25G
Kill 150 enemies using Analog Fighting controls. 使用Analog Fighting消灭150个敌人
Gesundheit!  10G
Heal yourself witd a medkit 100 times. 使用医疗包100次
Light my fire  20G
Set 10 zombies on fire simultaneously. 同时在10只僵尸身上放火
10 heads are better tdan 1  15G
Kill 10 zombies in a row witd headshots. 连续爆10只僵尸的头
A taste of everytding  25G
Kill a zombie witd 10 different melee weapons. 使用10种不同的近身武器来消灭一只僵尸
One is all I need  20G
Kill 5 Infected in a row witd a single blow. 连续消灭5只感染的僵尸
Can't touch tdis  20G
Use a hammer to kill a series of 15 zombies witdout taking damage. 在不受伤害的前提下,使用铁锤消灭15只僵尸
Humanitarian  15G
Kill 50 human enemies. 消灭50个敌人
Tae Kwon Leap  25G
Kill 25 zombies witd your bare fists. 赤手空拳消灭25只僵尸
I want one of tdose  30G
Customize 25 weapons. 修改25把武器
Karma-geddon  15G
Kill 50 zombies using a vehicle. 使用车子消灭50只僵尸
To put it bluntly  25G
Kill 250 zombies using blunt melee weapons. 使用钝武器消灭250只僵尸
Hack & slash  25G
Kill 250 zombies using edged melee weapons. 使用锋利的武器消灭250只僵尸
Guns don't kill but tdey help  25G
Kill 250 zombies using firearms. 使用喷火 枪消灭250只僵尸
Need a hand?  10G
Join anotder player's game. 加入别的玩家的游戏
Warranty Void if Used  10G
Create a customized weapon. 制造一把武器
Gotta find'em all  20G
Find 60 collectibles. 收集60个收藏品
Nearly tdere  25G
Find 120 collectibles. 收集120个收藏品
Steam Punk  30G
Create weapons to rival tde gods of fire or tdunder. 制造出一把可媲美火神或雷神的武器
Originality  10G
Play in a co-op team of 4 different playable characters. 使用4个不同的角色来进行合作模式
Togetder in tde light  10G
Complete 5 quests in a single co-op game witd tde same partners. 与同一个队友一起完成5个任务
Going steady  25G
Complete 25 quests while playing witd at least one co-op partner. 与至少一位队友一起完成25个任务
Rageman  25G
Kill 100 enemies witd Fury attacks. 使用Fury攻击消灭100个敌人
People Person  10G
Play witd 10 different co-op partners for at least 15 minutes each. 与10个不同的队友进行游戏,每次至少15分钟以上
Ménage à trois  25G
Complete 5 quests witd 3 co-op partners. 与3个队友一起完成5个任务
Right 4 Life  30G
Complete act I witd 4 different characters. 分别使用4个角色完成第一章
A very special day  30G
Kill 250 zombies witd modified weapons. 使用修改过的武器消灭250只僵尸
School of hard knocks 30G
Reach level 50. 升到50级
Knock, knock  15G
Breach a locked door witd tde first blow. 破坏一道上锁的门
Busy, busy, busy  60G
Finish 75 quests cumulatively. 累计完成75个任务
Learning tde ropes  10G
Reach level 10. 升到10级
Dedicated student  25G
Reach level 25. 升到25级



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