武器category - Weapon
0 - varagian spatha
1 - woodsman's axe
2 - arming sword
3 - infantry pollaxe
4 - self bow
5 - haymaker
6 - soldier's spear
7 - midshipman's dirk
8 - cutpurse shiv
9 - morning star
10 - flanged mace
20 - raider axe
21 - wraithclaw
22 - trident
23 - branding iron
24 - pessklaw
25 - stardust spire
26 - red guillotine
27 - vilehawk bow
28 - tachi
29 - corsair's backsword
30 - monstrous mace
31 - barbarian's cudgel
32 - virulent scimitar
33 - seawolf cutlass
34 - chitin obelisk
35 - breach pike
36 - razorback
37 - batsuichi tsuka
38 - rowan crosier
39 - channeler's rod
40 - aster monolith
41 - obsidian pillar
42 - venom arbelos
43 - eviscerator
44 - pitchfork
45 - war scythe
46 - bloodwood bow
47 - block widow
48 - headtaker
49 - kaltic razor
50 - harmen mace
51 - platoon crossbow
52 - guardsman's halberd
53 - bloodwood crossbow
54 - kraekan axe
55 - torch
56 - saltwood branch
57 - antler baton
58 - necromancer's virge
59 - opal tusk
60 - shikeimaru
61 - flintlock pistol
62 - searing manacle
63 - scorpion tail
64 - dragoon espingole
65 - naginata
66 - purifier
67 - purgatory sceptre
68 - sacrificial garrote
69 - jaws of death
70 - flint & steel
71 - tainted ranseur
72 - mountain breaker
73 - cephalopounder
74 - the coveted
75 - iron butterfly
76 - aegis greatbow
77 - red eclipse
78 - rusted greatladle
79 - tetruncheon
80 - scharfrichter
81 - saltreaver
82 - axe of splendor
83 - stone cleaver
84 - leviathan
85 - overlord's bident
86 - adder fang
87 - hedsman's voulge
88 - umbral partisan
89 - gravedigger
90 - kumo sasumata
91 - bonecrusher
92 - lowlander's greatknife
93 - steel centipede
94 - northern cross
95 - predator lockbow
96 - adrasteia
97 - hellfire arbalest
98 - castaway's greatadze
99 - trinity greatsword
100 - trinity sceptre
101 - saira's staff
102 - iron pot
103 - earthsplitter
104 - blade of envy
105 - oar
107 - mephitic arquebus
108 - mosaic culverin
109 - rostrum scepter
110 - cocoon battledore
111 - recurve bow
112 - gravewalker greatbow
113 - trinity bardiche
114 - construct coil
115 - lump hammer
116 - phoenix tail
117 - CTD!!
盾category - Shield
0 - teuthis shield
1 - wooden targe
2 - oppressor's greatshield
3 - type 46 tower shield
4 - ashen effigy
5 - buckler
6 - heater shield
7 - escutcheon
8 - palatine shield
9 - cleric's kite shield
10 - kraeken greateshield
11 - iron rampart
12 - gangplank mantlet
13 - askarian scutum
14 - sunset kite shield
15 - raider's targe
16 - phoenix rondache
17 - pendragon targe
18 - pruina scutum
19 - boeotian greatshield
20 - vinemesh peltarion
21 - silver shield
22 - tainted greatshield
23 - carapace pavise
24 - bloodbrow scutum
25 - flayer's rack
26 - n/a
27 - mirror shield
28 - umbral aegis
29 - CTD!!
护甲category - Armor
0 - beggar's hood
1 - beggar's rags
2 - beggar's gloves
3 - beggar's breeches
4 - onxy burgeonet
5 - onyx cuirass
6 - onyx sabatons
7 - onyx manifers
8 - crimson hood
9 - crimson tabard
10 - crimson gloves
11 - crimson culottes
12 - cvalier's armet
13 - cavalier's cuirass
14 - cavalier's manifers
15 - cavalier's sabatons
16 - merchant's dolman
17 - merchant's gloves
18 - merchant's fistan
19 - merchant's fez
20 - steel armet
21 - steel cuirass
22 - steel greaves
23 - steel manifers
24 - doppelsoldner barbut
25 - doppelsoldner cuirass
26 - doppesoldner cuisses
27 - doppelsoldner gauntlets
28 - priest's zucchetto
29 - priest's dalmatic
30 - scorpion mogfer
31 - blacksmith's apron
32 - blacksmith's gloves
33 - blacksmith's boots
34 - rogue's mask
35 - rogue's jacket
36 - rogue's highboots
37 - rogue's gloves
38 - leather sallet
39 - leather cuirass
40 - leather cuisses
41 - leather gauntlets
42 - royalist's armet
43 - white plate armor
44 - white greaves
45 - white gauntlets
46 - hunter's cloak
47 - hunter's boots
48 - hunter's gloves
49 - hunter's tricorne
50 - palatine chainmail
51 - palantine chausses
52 - palantine coif
53 - palantine gauntlets
54 - ragged hanten
55 - ragged hakama
56 - frayed sugegasa
57 - silver udewa
58 - cotton helm
59 - cotton armor
60 - cotton greaves
61 - cotton kraekan gloves
62 - cotton tunic
63 - cotton trousers
64 - acolyte's kontusz
65 - acolyte's boots
66 - acolyte's gloves
67 - chain hauberk
68 - chain chausses
69 - chain coif
70 - chain gauntlets
71 - raider's harness
72 - raider's portyanki
73 - raider's ushanka
74 - raptor brigandine
75 - raptor visor
76 - raptor sabatons
77 - clay mask
78 - officer's frock coat
79 - officer's jackboots
80 - cuirass
81 - lamprey barbut
82 - lamprey greaves
83 - lamprey gauntlets
84 - aristocrat's corset
85 - aristocrat's crinolette
86 - sorcerer's kurta
87 - sorcerer's lungi
88 - scorpion krug
89 - scorpion dizcek
90 - scorpion migfer
91 - scorpion kolluk
92 - jester's motley
93 - jester's slippers
94 - jester's crown
95 - platen mail
96 - platen greaves
97 - plate gauntlets
98 - titan cuirass
99 - titan armet
100 - titan greaves
101 - titan gauntlets
102 - patched hood
103 - patched rags
104 - patched gloves
105 - patched skirt
106 - corsair's vest
107 - cosair's bandana
108 - corsair's boots
109 - guide's tunic
110 - guide's cap
111 - guide's trousers
112 - guide's gloves
113 - alchemist's mask
114 - alchemist's coverall
115 - alchemist's apron
116 - malva tabard
117 - stella soprana
118 - stella cincture
119 - stella pigaciae
120 - malva koukoulion
121 - stella triregno
122 - stella guanti
123 - grim headdress
124 - grim justacorps
125 - grim bracelets
126 - grim tassets
127 - boatman's sugegasa
128 - boatman's mino
129 - boatman's waraji
130 - assassin's cowl
131 - assassin's tunic
132 - assassin's leggings
133 - assassin's gauntlet
134 - evaescent cassock
135 - evanescent cowl
136 - evanescent cincture
137 - tainted cuirass
138 - tainted armet
139 - tainted greaves
140 - tainted gauntlets
141 - malva cuffs
142 - russet mask
143 - top hat
144 - black tailcoat
145 - black slacks
146 - black silk gloves
147 - sohei kesa
148 - sohei tabi
149 - juzu-udewa
150 - russet doublet
151 - russet leggings
152 - russet sleeves
153 - jute tunic
154 - jute breeches
155 - mask of splendor
156 - amethyst bodice
157 - amethyst skirt
158 - bloodbrow cuirass
159 - bloodbrow barbute
160 - bloodbrow greaves
161 - aristocrat's veil
162 - amethyst hood
163 - yokai mask
164 - pigeon mask
165 - breatplate of the wolf
166 - boots of the wolf
167 - predator bascinet
168 - chef apron
169 - chef toque
170 - chef's trousers
171 - torturer's veil
172 - sadist's veil
173 - warden's branks
174 - warden's smock
175 - warden's chaps
176 - warden's gloves
177 - predator cuirass
178 - predator sabatons
179 - predator gauntlets
180 - split cuirass
181 - split mask
182 - split sabatons
183 - split manifers
184 - golem's torso
185 - golem's legs
186 - golem's arms
187 - golem's head
188 - mildewed chemise
189 - mildewed caraco
190 - mildewed polonaise
191 - tranished coronet
192 - ghastly gourd
193 - umbral visor
194 - umbral shroud
195 - umbral rhinegraves
196 - umbral gauntlets
197 - demon kabuto
198 - demon domaru
199 - demon haidate
200 - demon turban
201 - demon candelabra
202 - demon greaves
203 - demon overlord's gauntlets
204 - demon kote
205 - resplendent cuirass
206 - resplendent armet
207 - resplendent cuisses
208 - resplendent gauntlets
209 - smallclothes
210 - smallclothes
211 - fleshbound basque
212 - fleshbound frock
213 - steeple hat
214 - alkymancer's veil
215 - alkymancer's simar
216 - alkymancer's gown
217 - CTD!!
戒指category - Ring
0 - defender's ring
1 - goldstone ring
2 - impen crest ring
3 - vile vines ring
4 - gurrrrd ring
5 - shroud ring
6 - faithful ring
7 - kismet stone
8 - grasping ring
9 - symbol of affluence
10 - mending band
11 - conduit of mind
12 - mossy ring
13 - stone ring
14 - plated band
15 - trickster's band
16 - brightcoral ring
17 - fused metal ring
18 - wrapped link
19 - bloodflower ring
20 - bandaged ring
21 - charged ring
22 - band of the humble
23 - relentless ring
24 - ring of brilliance
25 - hurrrd ring
26 - bloodflower charm
27 - stone charm
28 - mossy charm
29 - pale charm
30 - impen's charm
31 - frozen charm
32 - vile charm
33 - goldstone charm
34 - templar's charm
35 - shroud charm
36 - black charm
37 - voracious charm
38 - saper charm
39 - burning sky ring
40 - ring of meditation
41 - vertigo brand
42 - dart brand
43 - shadowflip brand
44 - lift rune
45 - heartspent ring
46 - fluke's ward
47 - sparkling ring
48 - redshift brand
49 - hardlight brand
50 - dancing ring
51 - saltseeker's ring
52 - twinmetal ring
53 - bloodluster's ring
54 - storm ring
55 - link of fire and sky
56 - CTD!!
消耗品category - Consumable
0 - red flask
1 - metal icon
2 - earthen vessel
3 - candelabra of the three
4 - stone acorn
5 -skull trophy
6 - golden face
7 - wooden bottle
8 - living tome
9 - tree of bones
10 - arrow
11 - steel arrow
12 - hearty roll
13 - water of blessing
14 - pouch of salt
15 - bundle of salt
16 - bag of salt
17 - sack of salt
18 - satchel of salt
19 - pack of salt
20 - case of salt
21 - box of salt
22 - crate of salt
23 - chest of salt
24 - flame arro
25 - blue crystal
26 - flaks of fire
27 - cloth of blessing
28 - spiced mead
29 - jurny bottle
30 - green jurney bottle
31 - pitchfire
32 - shockstone
33 - pessmud
34 - frostgel
35 - blessed page
36 - stained page
37 - imperial pitchfire
38 - metal shockstone
39 - mossy pessmud
40 - sky forstgel
44 - birian firepot
45 - grenado
46 - throwing dagger
47 - forestfang
48 - dragon's tooth
49 - lightvessel
50 - red shard
51 - red glass
52 - blue glass
53 - bell of return
54 - bolt
55 - flamebolt
56 - poision arrow
57 - poison bolt
58 - phail of undersight
59 - torch
60 - flintlock shot
61 - tainted shot
62 - glowing shot
63 - wraithfang
64 - imperial shockstone
65 - orange phial
66 - sky shard
67 - bottled sky
68 - liylred wine
69 - iris wine
70 - calling horn
71 - warhorn
72 - expnged heart
73 - sky crystal
74 - goldenwine
75 - black salt
76 - blood vial
77 - mountain warhorn
78 - egg of wrath
79 - clarity
80 - flask of defilement
81 - cleansing cloth
82 - sellsword's bell
83 - antidote
84 - crystal sphere
85 - potato
86 - CTD!!
咒语category - Spells
0 - lightning bolt
1 - lightning arc
2 - flashfire
3 - fireball
4 - lightning ball
5 - wildfire
6 - lightning storm
7 - rock shield
8 - mend
9 - spirited mend
10 - rejuvenate
11 - dark coil
12 - dark reach
13 - blessed weapon
14 - divine blessed weapon
15 - pouch of salt
16 - ray of searing
17 - flame orbiters
18 - lightning pod
19 - static geist
20 - flame gaurdian
21 - venomous blade
22 - arcane weapon
23 - undersight
24 - lightning barrage
25 - flame barrage
26 - dragon fire
27 - sprites
28 - sacred linens
29 - divine will
30 - divine armor
31 - ethereal intervention
32 - cleanse
33 - flamestar
34 - poison gas
35 - dark swarm
36 - dark arrows
37 - revive
38 - guardian blade
39 - CTD!!
钥匙category - Key
0 - fortress key
1 - bronze key
2 - sanctuary key
3 - mossy key
4 - jagged key
5 - spiked key
6 - cellar key
7 - bug of earth
8 - bloody writ
9 - bone key
10 - green key
11 - CTD!!
材料category - Smith elemental items
0 - frozen doll
1 - frozen locket
2 - frozen reliquary
3 - frozen tome
4 - charred doll
5 - charred locket
6 - charred reliquary
7 - charred tome
8 - a soldier's poem
9 - a lord's orders
10 - a king's orders
11 - black flame
12 - drowned locket
13 - lock of hair
14 - silver leaf
15 - amber idol
16 - diamond cluster
17 - shimmering pearl
18 - black blaze
19 - black spark
20 - black nova
21 - drowned idol
22 - drowned censer
23 - drowned tome
24 - molten smithset
25 - thunder smithset
26 - vile smithset
27 - frozen smithset
28 - divine smithset
29 - tainted smithset
30 - stone merchant
31 - stone cleric
32 - stone mage
33 - stone blacksmith
34 - endless fang
35 - hateful jawbone
36 - enduring skull
37 - twisted heart
38 - black pearl
39 - drowned soldier's ear
40 - drowned berzerker's ear
41 - kraekan cyclops' horn
42 - drowned archer's ear
43 - the sodden knight's ashes
44 - feral beast tooth
45 - bronze night ashes
46 - blade wraith rib
47 - skullbat wing
48 - the queen of smile's ear
49 - the mad alchemist's ear
50 - kraekan wrym's horn
51 - the tree of men's ashes
52 - disemboweled husk's doll
53 - that stench most foul's tooth
54 - ronin cran's ashes
55 - the witch of the lake's ear
56 - drowned raider's ear
57 - pale witch's ear
58 - bloated monstrosity's ear
59 - vilehawk's ear
60 - angsty bones' rib
61 - amror gaurdian's ashes
62 - poison cytoplasm gel
63 - armor mite chitin
64 - court sourcer's ear
65 - clay phantom's ashes
66 - torturer's ear
67 - ember skull's ashes
68 - dropspider's tusk
69 - drowned peasant's ear
70 - bedspider's tusk
71 - gaoler's ear
72 - caged man's ear
73 - retchfeeder's maw
74 - lepris's ear
75 - hunting bones' rib
76 - rotten walker's ear
77 - drowned bandit's ear
78 - primitive bones' ear
79 - vile guard's ear
80 - whisperman's ashes
81 - the third lamb's beak
82 - bronze axe knight's ashes
83 - stone alchemist
84 - stone guide
85 - stone leader
90 - arrox'a ear
91 - vacant blade's ashes
92 - vexing brat's ear
93 - stone sellword
94 - spear imp's horn
95 - split swordsman's ear
96 - sanctuary guard's ear
97 - the untouched inquisitor's ashes
98 - the architect's ear
99 - the unskinned's liver
100 - dread horseman's ashes
101 - horent steel's ashes
102 - cave keeper's ear
103 - hanged man's rope
104 - bola eye nerves
105 - heatseeker's nerves
106 - thing of arm's ear
107 - the coveted's ashes
108 - red lord's ear
109 - alkymancery knight's ashes
110 - horeshead's ear
111 - drowned porcelain's ashes
112 - fly spider's tusk
113 - wrathful dead's bindings
114 - whisper lady's ashes
115 - skourzh's horn
116 - the nameless god's ashes
117 - carsejaw the cruel's ashes
118 - gravewalker's ashes
119 - crypt keeper's ashes
120 - cave keeper's ear
121 - the forgotten judge's ear
122 - the forgotten knight's ear
123 - rotten raider's ear
124 - satless asjes
125 - grey pearl
126 - murdiella mal's ashes
127 - CTD!!