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来源: 乐游 2013/9/3 11:03:13






Generals are vital resources in Rome 2. Previously, you could raise tiny armies of a couple of troops and a leader would be picked from their ranks. Now troops cannot move at all unless they have a general, and the number of generals you can have is limited by the size of your empire. The legions they command are also persistent entities that can gain stat-buffing ‘military tradition’ affixes over time. It’s a significant shift that affects everything from how armies are constructed to how territories operate on the strategic map. Territories are now grouped into ‘provinces’ which can be boosted by production-boosting edicts if you own them entirely (useful for swift social engineering in the face of food shortage), and your cities’ buildings now have province-wide effects. Construct a high-grade military training building in Rome and the troops you unlock can be recruited from anywhere within the Italia region. New units are now recruited by generals in the field, sparing them the long walk from their barracks to the battlefield.


Armies are also more flexible thanks to a variety of stances, which can let them move extremely quickly with ‘forced march’, create a wooden outpost at their location with ‘fortify’, or lay an ambush on the strategic map. The map has been designed with these stances in mind, so you can dominate large regions with clever use of choke points. Alliances are now extremely worthwhile as well. Allied and client states (who will sit quietly and pay you a tithe every turn in exchange for their lives) contribute to your settlement count for victory conditions, and you can poke your pro-active pals in the right direction with a new diplomacy option that lets you target settlements you want taken.


Rome 2′s battles are stunning. Great attention has been lavished on making troops more responsive. If a unit is under fire they’ll lift up their shields, and the incoming projectiles will turn them into wooden porcupines. They’ll erupt into rowdy celebration when they rout a unit, and you’ll see the exhaustion of the fleeing enemies in their gait. A cinematic battle-cam puts you right into the melee, where you’ll hear men yelling to each other and see differences in the way units fight. Praetorians use their huge shields to haul barbarians over and behind them to be stabbed by supporting ranks. Attack dogs, released from their handlers, tear into a fight with terrifying speed and drag down opponents with a flying bite to the arm. If you encounter an exotic unit you like, you might be able to recruit them as mercenaries for a high ongoing cost. Mercenaries are the only troops you can hire in enemy territory, but Romans can construct auxiliary barracks that will let you recruit other factions’ units properly. This reflects how the Roman army historically used foreign troops and encouraging a sort of military tourism. I’m still on a quest to unite elephants and Celtic skirmishers in the same army.

Battlefields are better, too. They vary hugely depending on weather conditions and location, and are enhanced by the new line of sight system. If your troops can’t see an enemy, nor can you, which means every undulation can hide an enemy unit if you don’t scout a little. The resulting guessing game keeps the marching portion of the fight interesting and makes fights feel faster. The new engine also allows for proper cities. Major capitals like Rome and Carthage have their own spectacular custom-made maps, and there are variations in the wider world for land and coastal towns, which also vary completely in style and structure depending on their cultural origin. Celtic hill-forts are tiered, earthy formations contained by wooden walls. Romans prefer sheets of white stone and traditional tower fortifications. One settlement in each province will be fortified with walls and require a siege to break, which you can do with equipment like ladders and tortoises built at the siege location.



In remembering the battles, and the most marvellous moments of the fifty plus hours I’ve played so far, it can be easy to forget Rome 2′s frustrating elements, which is where the boats come in. Naval warfare isentertaining. Where once it was sluggish and imprecise, it is now merely imprecise, but in a comical close-range fashion. They’ve been designed to play more like land battles, and they do thanks to assault ships that must ram enemies to death or board them to defeat them in melee. There are also support ships, which instead must float very close to enemy boats to throw javelins at them. Sea battles tend to result in massive wooden boat-mobs and a lot of shouting.

Worse is the AI’s tendency to constantly suicidally throw tiny forces against cities. This tends to happen when you defeat a faction, and all their homeless mini-armies are left wandering the map mindlessly attacking things. All the busywork that’s been saved by moving resources into cities is undone by this relentless phenomenon, which grows worse the bigger your empire gets. Towards the end I was auto-resolving four or five useless assaults per turn, and because auto-resolve often doesn’t kill tiny units outright, they keep coming back. Along with the extremely long end-turn loading times (which lasted more than two minutes each on my half-decent home PC), this slows down progress enormously.

Sadly, the promising but opaque domestic politics system falters as well. Before you take charge of a republic you must affiliate with a domestic party. Of the three available Roman options, I took charge of the House of Julia. Every general you install belongs to one of Rome’s houses, and their might, reflected in two stats – gravitas and ambition – contributes to their house’s influence over the senate. For monarchies or tribal societies the setup is reversed – your house starts with huge influence and the other houses will attack when they think you’re growing weak. This created a fascinating tension, initially. I was watching my generals with suspicion, and promoting and offing contenders accordingly, plotting like a true Roman. That’s why I sent Crassipes to Massalia to die. His many victories earned him Batman levels of gravitas and I’d started to worry about his aspirations.




Fortunately, you can ignore the system and carry on regardless, which means you’re free to enjoy a rather good Total War game. I should mention though that you’ll need a good PC to run it properly. Mine is well above the published minimum specs, and the campaign map was running at around 20 FPS on low settings. Conversely, my high-powered office machine ran it faultlessly, and it was a faster and more enjoyable experience as a result.

Right now, Rome 2 has its flaws, but is still a sumptuous, slow-burn strategy game with some of the best land battles in the series. Aesthetically, it’s a triumph. Empire management, alliances, the UI and battlefields have all improved, which makes it doubly frustrating to encounter the floppy AI that will be extremely familiar to Total War fans by now. Still, nothing out there does what Total War does with this degree of scope and detail. I’d still recommend it to armchair generals anywhere.




