DOTA2 1月9日更新内容 签名宝石无法卸载bug修复
今天主客户端有一个54.9MB的更新 有一个吧友比较关心的签名宝石无法卸下BUG修复
* Fixed a bug with the Drodo's effects not having the correct colors when he had a prismatic gem other than the default one he started with.
* Fixed a bug where many ethereal gem effects were monochrome when they were supposed to have some color variation, such as the Trail of Burning Doom.
* Fixed a bug where autograph gems could not be extracted on the owned item details page.
* Fixed a frame rate drop when rapidly switching between units with items that have animated inventory images (Radiance, Rapier or Mjollnir).
虽然更新不多 但是也是不少吧友问过的问题 渣翻 有误欢迎指出
修复签名宝石在已拥有页面无法卸下的问题.(好几个吧友问过我了 HOHO)
前几天更新的时候 国服的卡尔和敌法也有了新配音 这里也顺便说一下